Creating A Garden For Your Indoor Cat

Many cats spend the duration of their lives indoors. While this might keep the animal safe from predators or injury, it can limit the number of foods that a cat can consume during its lifetime. If you want to supplement your indoor cat's diet without the risks of allowing him or her to lead an outdoor lifestyle, you can plant a cat-friendly container garden inside your home instead.

Here are some plants to consider incorporating into your cat garden.

1. Grass

Outdoor cats will often nibble on some grass when their stomachs are feeling upset. Eating grass helps a cat stimulate his or her digestive system and encourage the cat to throw up.

Although messy, throwing up serves a valuable role in helping a cat get rid of any indigestible matter the animal may have consumed. Incorporating grass into your indoor cat garden will allow your cat to enjoy the same digestive benefits grass can provide for outdoor cats.

2. Valerian

Indoor cats can often become overweight due to their sedentary lifestyle. If you are hoping to help your cat shed a few unwanted pounds, then incorporating Valerian into your indoor garden can be beneficial. This herb acts as a stimulant for your cat.

Once consumed, your cat will have the energy and desire to pounce, run, and play. This allows your pet to get the exercise he or she needs to maintain a healthy weight and avoid serious health problems in the future.

3. Licorice Root

As your indoor cat ages, he or she may begin to suffer with arthritis. Outdoor cats may seek out a plant known as licorice root to help them manage the symptoms of their arthritis, and you can give your cat the same privilege by including licorice root in your indoor garden.

Licorice root has anti-inflammatory properties that allow it to ease the painful inflammation that causes arthritis. Ingesting licorice root can also help your indoor cat keep respiratory problems at bay by preventing the mucous membranes from becoming inflamed.

Caring for your indoor cat doesn't mean you have to force your furry friend to sacrifice all of the experiences his or her outdoor counterparts live each day. Taking the time to plant an indoor garden designed specifically to meet the nutritional and health needs of your indoor cat will allow you to give your pet the opportunity to treat him or herself naturally. For more information, contact companies like Clayton Veterinary Associates.
